Saturday, August 1, 2009

Are Human Being Naturally Evil/Cruel???

When a child is born and raised, you never have to TELL them to draw on the walls, hit other children, not share their toys, yell and scream, cry when they dont get their way, pull peoples hair, spit on other kids and anthing else children do.

You always have to teach them to NOT do things like that.

So does that mean that we are all naturally born Evil/Cruel?

Maybe not EVIL, but at least "BAD"

Are Human Being Naturally Evil/Cruel???

of course, it is human nature to be dominant, and anyone or anything that stands in the way of that dominance is in for it. It is not that we are born cruel or even bad. It is exactly the same in the animal kingdom where the others of a litter will sometimes attack and kill the runt, weeding out the weak. Human nature is a temperamental thing, but it is very plain to see that it happens most with children as they have not yet learned to control the urges.

Are Human Being Naturally Evil/Cruel???

I won't say those things you describe are really evil, they are just childhood behaviour

Are Human Being Naturally Evil/Cruel???

We are born without any concept of what is socially permissible. That is learned behavior, and not indicative of being evil or cruel. We must be taught right from wrong.

Little children know it's okay to draw with crayons but don't understand the restrictions about drawing only on the paper. So we have to teach them.

Are Human Being Naturally Evil/Cruel???


a baby is still pure..

when baby grow up, their hidden tendencies (personality) start to grow.

it depends.. on what perspectives do you want to see those acts..

drawing in the wall can be considered as creative..

baby pulling hair is different than grown ups. the important isn't in the act itself, but the intention that motivate an act.

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