Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

seriously, why? im a emo kid, and im not weak. they way i figured it was that people are gonna wanna start crap with me for being emo and i don't wanna take that lying down. true, i do have all the sterotypical characteristics of a emo kid(black jagged hair,piercings, and ya, im a cutter) but except for the weak part. i just hate it when people only start stuff with you when they are in a group. they don't have the balls to come up and say something if it is not going to impress someone else. they are the weak ones for needing like 7 other people to be their so they don't get their azz beat for trying to be cool...

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

i hate kids like that ovbiously they are the ones that are weak but w.e you cant do much about them, there a.ssholes . are you in middle school? if you are dont worry b/c high school is soo much better especialy if you join a club or a sports team they dont care if your emo or not as long as your in with them they will beat someones *** for you, thats the way it is in my school. they probaly percieve you as weak b/c the stereotypical emo is in need of help and in there weakest state. ur obviosly not weak so dont worry bout it :)

and bout the cutting i used to do it too, but why? u have to wear long sleeves all the time that sucks :( find other ways do express you sadness or anger. try taking it out on those guys faces :)

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

Lol no 1 likes an emo.

Attention seeking losers, with nothing better to do with their life so they try to get sympathy by "hating their lives"

The only reson u think u could beat any 1 else up is coz u have a razor in ya bak pocket.

Keep it to yaself.... YA WEAK! Stick to ur word n commit , society would b better off

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

what is an "emo" exactly???

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

i agree with you i hate people like that their complete idiots. I have plenty of emo friends I dont think their weak one of them is actually in track and field and the guy that sits next to me in history works out

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

Because they are seen as shy, quiet people and skinny and only interested in hair, music.

Just the usual stereotype.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

People are always quick to believe the stereotypes. Its not just with emo kids, the jock is always thought to be stupid, and the smart kids lonely. Its especially hard when someone appears to match the stereotype on the outside not to automatically assume they match the stereotype on the inside as well. I agree with the person above me in high school things definitely get better and if you join a team or a club you really shouldn't have any problems.

The cutting thing, I'm sure you know, is not healthy and certainly not the way to express your emotions. Talk to someone about this and find a more healthy outlet; sports, music, writing, or something else. Best of luck

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

They aren't necessarily weak, they are just so self-absorbed that they draw attention, usually negative, to themselves. What do you plan to be as an adult? Emo? Yea, your boss will just love that.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?


Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

um who ever said that? most kids at my school are scared of emo kids, unless of course they are one. emo kids out number any other group (except jocks i think) so i mean, really, they're a powerful group at my school. idk what you're talking about.

perhaps kids think emos are weak because they lose so much blood cutting themselves. or because in most cases they are just posers who call themselves emo.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

Emo's ARE weak. They are attention seekers and it's annoying. I can't stand them. They do it all for attention.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

Ummm lets just say if you act a certain way that is how people are going to percieve you.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

people are assholes.

that's my best explanation. sorry.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

I never even thiught of them as 'weak' Maybe becayse you cut yourslelves but i dont think emos are weak.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

Well when you go out of your way to become a cliche of a certain group then you deserve whatever judgments it attracts. Do whatever you want to do to feel "in" but you have to take responsibility for self-induced downsides.

Why are emos perceived as "weak"?

it's prolly coz' they are the ones who are really weak, they are really all the stereotypes that they call emos, plus that they may be repressed homosexuals, there are a lot of mean people out there these days, and there probably just jealous because they are losers who don't have a life.

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