Saturday, August 1, 2009

Girl Thing!!?

I've been getting this sticky white stuff in my underwhere. I'm 11 1/2, and I just started getting it a week or so ago. ( I know all about periods and stuff so don't talk to me like a little kid) I have pubic hair, and I wear a size b cup. I'm pretty much developed. [never had a period before though]


Girl Thing!!?

This is called the vaginal discharge and it's perfectly normal. Your vagina keeps itself clean this way. Its colour may vary from clear to white or ivory, but if it's greenish/brownish and it has a bad smell go see a doctor, it could be an infection. This can happen from a few weeks up to 2 years before you will have your first period. You'll have it for many, many years from now. Always wear a pantyliner so you won't mess up your underwear.

Girl Thing!!?

your probably going to get ur 1st period soon o be prepared

Girl Thing!!?

HAH! i use to get that and i still do it is just a little alert sign that u are going to become a woman by getting your period.

don't be scared and i would start wearing a pad for a few weeks :D

Girl Thing!!?

It's discharge. It's your body's natural way of cleansing itself out! You're getting closer to your period! Make sure you have pads/tampons in your purse, since your period might not be that far away!

Girl Thing!!?

it means ur period is on the way!!

i think

good job welcome to womanhood!!

Girl Thing!!?

For me, when I started getting close to having my period I started getting a discharge too. I was about your age.

If you are sure its not related to sexual activity, then it sounds like you are just maturing.

If it really concerns you talk to your mom, doctor or school nurse.

Good luck.

Girl Thing!!?

it it called discharge it is a substance that keeps the inside of you vagina most so it doesnt dry out!! and when it starts to buuuild up it has to go somewhere and so it just comes out!! if it is irritateing you just where a pantiliner!! but it is comeletely normal and part of being a girl!!!! And it is going to get alot worse as you get older!! BEING A GIRL SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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