Saturday, August 1, 2009

Part2 should i be there Friends?

i hope you remeber my other should I be there friends well today after school Jordyan called but I didn't answer so she left me a messeage so she said hey you know what I don't know what I did to you bye and I didn't really get that so ashely tried to call me and I didn't answer so she left me a messege so ahe apolagize but this wasn't her first time. and she gave me a messege where she is singing and saying I hate you jordyan hates i like your hair thoe just kidding bye. so I called my mom and the advice she gave me was that friends come and go but that isn't a good friend because she was mean to you and all the sudden nice that isn't a true friend.

Part2 should i be there Friends?

It sounds like your "friends" are playing games--and being very hurtful. Your Mom is right, they are not true friends if they treat you badly.

These girls sound very immature, and it doesn't seem like they care about YOUR feelings AT ALL.

Stand up for yourself, girl! And find some new friends who will treat you with kindness and respect.

Part2 should i be there Friends?

i wouldn't be thier friend. why set yourself up for more insults? tell them hell no!

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