Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn'

I know you women are forgiving by nature. But if you went and got your toes done and you were wearing sneakers would you throw a fit if your man didn't make a comment? (just kidding) But hair? Nails? Toes? Clothes? Shoes? Brows? (didn't rhyme) What would you most roll and squint your eyes over? Which aspect of your physical appearance would just cause you to groan and throw the biggest fit if the man happened to not notice? Your thoughts....and stories if you have any...

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

so there was this one night, only our 4 year anniversary....and i was trying to you know, spice things up....well i had never had a full brazilian. i figured, hell why not! it was usually just the plain old bikini (i can handle the rest as i don't know where the waxers hands have been). i guess the woman didn't do a very good job...because although he didn't notice i had gone out of my way to spice things up (also wearing some sexy black lace spankies with an awesome push up to match) he did notice that she had missed a good patch....down there. he offered to pull the rest out. i could come home bald and he would say" good day hun?" but if i just had three hairs left over, it would be "wow! you look like sh*t! what happened!" why are boys so dense?

to answer the question properly....the one thing that would make me so sad if he didn't notice would be new jeans. he buys me my rock and republics, true religions, sevens, citizens or whatever because my *** is his and it has to look great. my *** in a new pair of sevens going unspanked? i would be heartbroken!

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

if i got boob implants. or a six pack

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

notice the hair GL!

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

My hair

No stories, sorry

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

If I was trying to dress up or be all pretty for him. %26amp;%26amp; he didnt' notice.

Of course women are forgiving but we tend to take that as he isnt' interested or doesn't take time to notice that we put a lot of thought and time into what we look like.

That absolutely kills me.

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

it really bugs me when he doesnt notice my hair specially when i go through all the trouble of fixing it up for him...

like one day i wore my hair up to school...the guy il ike say it and was woah what a creepy hair-doo (hes my friend and i knew he was kidding) but it still kinda hurt because i was hoping to impress him by doing something different because i always wear it down...and all i did was put it in a pony-tail

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

I know this is kinda vain, but we CANT STAND when guys dont notice changes about our physical appearance. For example, if we get our hair cut, or dye it. also, i'll admit girls tend to try to get guys to notice them and talk about their hobbies. Like, dance for example. If a girl is talking about dance, she wants guys to admire that and ask questions

Ladies: What is the one thing that if you had it changed you could not forgive if your man didn't notice?

haha, nice question. Well, the number one thing that I would have a hissy fit over if my bf didn't recognize about me would be if I wore the necklace that be bought for me, or if I got a hair cut and he didn't even say anything. I personally love to hear him say that I look sexy or that I look cute tonight, but I wouldn't get upset if he didn't. I am not the type of girl that has drama about everything. : P And I know all of my friends would all probably have to say the same.

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