Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why do people judge and stuff like that?

I personally have never had a doesnt really faze me much...although im not sure why? a cool kid...i have nice hair, i take care of myself, im funny, ive stuck around in one spot for girls to notice me...and they do...but maybe im just not date-able material, ya know...i dont have a need for dating, but i just wonder why this is...these things run through my it cuz im overweight? i see plenty of overweight ppl going out...i dont know...i dont really see why im posting a personal problem on YAHOO...but its just on my mind...ah well...ttyl

Why do people judge and stuff like that?

if people ever judge you cause you're overweight than they're lower than low. I hate when people look at looks as if they're ALL of the person. under all of it there's a great person and only YOU know that. if it bothers you that much then I think you need to ask someone out or flirt more. believe it or not there are some really great people out there that will see you for who you really are. just smile at girls (we love when guys smile at us)...compliment them (that's a plus. we love to feel good about ourselves)...flirt with them (we love when guys try because we're kinda timid when it comes to making first moves...;)you know that I'm sure). and I hope all of this helped. if nothing at all works then just be yourself and have fun with it. someone will be impressed. good luck xx

Why do people judge and stuff like that?

I don't exactly understand your don't really have a need for dating but yet you seem to obsess over wanting to date. Is there someone you're interested in but they aren't with you? This could be coming from that.

Why do people judge and stuff like that?

maybe girls think your gay!

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