Thursday, July 30, 2009

Married men:............?

What would u think of a wife who:

-stood by you in public, even if you disagreed in private

-took you to office to show you to her colleagues, esp. male colleagues wth ideas kept a pic of u on her desk

-always held your hand when you went out shopping 2gether

-acted on your outfit preferences by dressing conservatively in public but in skimpy (but not slutty) clothes at home

-rested her head on your shoulder and just sat there quietly while u watched football

-greeted u with a hug whenever u came back from work

-took your head in her lap and stroked ur forehead/ruffled ur hair gently so that u fell asleep

-always came up behind you to give u a surprise hug

-worked part-time but still earned a lot so that she could care for the kids. and rushed to brush her hair and put on perfume before u got back at 6

-encouraged u to go out with friends but worried at the same time for your safety

-was sweet to your rents & truly cared 4 them

-always took care to cook ur fave dishes

Married men:............?

Sounds like you didn't do anything wrong. Maybe the problem was with him and not with you.

Married men:............?

You were probably just too available for him, like maybe he wanted something that he had to chase?? It sounds like you did all right so its his bad..not yours! You sound like a good person and you deserve better anyways..let him know that

Married men:............?

sounds like he is an idiot. Sometimes there is no rational that makes up for what he did. There is no excuse for cheating.

Married men:............?

Well. I'm going to get 200 thumbs down for this.... but.... did you gain 100 pounds after the marriage?

Married men:............?

You did nothing wrong. This man was likely not ready for the commitment. Don't punish yourself. Why would you want him back anyway?? Read your you not recognize how unappreciated you were and how unworthy he was of such devotion. Move on a stronger woman. Don't let him ruin you.

Married men:............?

Why does it have to be something wrong with you? It sounds like he was a lying, cheating butt!

If anything you were too nice. Screw him, there is someone out there that will appreciate you for what you have to offer.

Married men:............?

Well...that kind of wife honestly does sound that a very passive wife. He took advantage of you because of the passive approach you gave him. Don't get me wrong..not all men would do that. I would certainly love a wife like that except maybe not have her pamper herself or the kids for my arrival. I personally don't believe she should do that. Some men are just plain idiotic.

Married men:............?

have more respect for youself.. dont go back to a man who cheated on you!! if you did all those things.. YOU are the one who deserves better... u should be doing all those things with someone who wants to make you feel wonderful BACK!!

Married men:............?

He's an idiot!

Married men:............?

I am sure you did nothing wrong. He just did not appreciate a good wife when he had one.

Married men:............?

Sounds like the perfect wife to me. A man who leaves a woman like that has issues that have nothing to do with what kind of wife she is. Sad to say, some guys just aren't satisfied with one woman. Others find the thrill of the hunt irresistible; once they catch her they lose interest. So stop thinking in terms of what you did wrong; his cheating and leaving had nothing to do with you. You were just the victim.

Married men:............?

You didn't do anything wrong...your every guys dream. The sad thing is...I couldn't come close to what you did for your man. LOL....I have some of this down...but not all of it. My husband still complains that I don't dress sexy enough for him. Oh Well....the sad thing is got yourself a man who just liked to wander, you could be the next Mary Magdeline and it wouldn't matter to him. I am sorry about that too. As he gets older and the women get more boring, he will look back and wonder why he let you go. Find someone else who can appreciate you for you. You will do better and go far.

Married men:............?


Married men:............?

You're a gem and he blew it. My guess is that he has no self control by taking a risk of losing the best thing that ever came into his life.

Married men:............?

Why do you think you did something wrong? It wasn't your fault he cheated. It wasn't something you did that pushed him to do what he did. It was his shortcoming, not your.

Other than spelling you as u and together as 2gether, you sound like an amazing person. If I had a wife that did the things you describe then I would love, honor, respect, and cherish her.

Who are you though? You did all these things for him. What did you do for you?

Married men:............?

I would never do anything to endanger such a relationship. Can I trade my wife for you?

Seriously, some people are just born jerk-offs. I assume you are in America, where everyone is learning to become as selfish as they can possibly be. Stay the way you are. You may get hurt but you will be so glad when you find that perfect someone.

Good luck.

Married men:............?

Sorry, but I think you spoiled this man way to much.

Forget him he is a #1 Jerk. If he ever crawls back to you slam the door. You worth sooooo much better.

Go on with your live and enjoy the wonderful woman you are.

Do not feel guilty at any minute. You are wonderful.

Married men:............?

He will be back when he comes to his senses----the best thing you can do is to make him jealous,start enjoying yourself As soon as he thinks you are happy he will want to come back

Married men:............?

Stop worrying about trying to get him back. If he left you for another woman- what was between you meant very little to him. Find someone new. I am just a woman but why waste your time wanting someone who has left you.

Married men:............?

Sounds like you adore him. Thats probably why. Some people are jerks, he probably figured he could do it and get away with it, because even if it didn't work out with the other one you'd still take him back. But don't judge yourself, sounds like you were fine. Hopefully you can find someone ELSE that is better, and will treat you the way you treat them.

Married men:............?

Don't beat yourself up over this. You sound like a great woman i recommend you moving on. There are better men out there that will appreciate everything you do. You deserve better!!

Married men:............?

simple. you were his doormat and he stopped finding you exciting and he found someone else who excited him.

you got married and thought you should be this "susie homemaker" when in reality you probably stopped being who YOU were at heart.

he probably realized that and met someone exciting to him and that's why he left you.

if you want him back, then maybe spice yourself up.

Married men:............?

you are perfect woman there are too many men who wish catch some one like you all their long life but dont find . he was not peractical that left you i think he was not deserve for your real clean kind and love . you give him too much advantage ........but i promis he will return and its you who must sat no this time ! there are too many good men for you

Married men:............?

This is a man that did not appreciate what he had, because I would love for a woman to do half of the stuff that you named. Some people do not know a good thing when they have it. I hope everything works for the best for you.

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