Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

We looked at the siberian, and the alaskan husky. We also looked at the malamute and eskimo dog. So many that are wonderful, and pretty. I dont know allot about them and he is the one informing me as it is going to be his dog. I told him to get me the information, and I will go and look at breeders with him. Any suggestions on what dog to look at more than the others? I do want to narrow it down, we live in upstate NY. dont want to breed, do want a female, good house dog and outside dog as he is always outside (my son). A good friend, and playful. lots of activity and hightly trainable. wonderful with young children as I have two young kids that come over lots (5 years). Dont care about the hair issue as we also have cockers. the pup has to get along with other dogs.

lots of info.. help...

dont want a hybrid or a mix either... want a pure akc, responsibly bred Husky, "northern" dog.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?


Alaskan Huskies are -- as many people have mentioned -- a mish-mash of performance sled dog. They are not purebred, not predictable, and are generally not sold/owned as pets.

Siberian Huskies: Active, friendly, highly trainable *as long as* they see the point in what you're asking them to do (i.e. there's a reward involved....always an excellent point). Prone to taking off, CANNOT be allowed off-lead or outside a fenced in area..

They will get destructive and noisy if bored...so if your son is out playing Lacrosse, etc, a lot, and the dog is alone, you may have problems. Although, if you have other dogs, Siberians love a dog-buddy.

Alaskan Malamutes: Mellower than a Siberian, larger than a Siberian. Do continue to consider this breed, as they are good dogs -- maybe try another breeder, as Jennifer suggested.

They can be dog-aggressive, but you may not have that issue as much with a female.

Please do consider the Samoyed, as Animal_artwork suggested! I would recommend one over an American Eskimo as, frankly, every Eskie I've met has been a little snappy. Sams also lack some of the "quirks" of the Siberian, which can be a good thing! :)

Hope this helps!

ADD: Reading another answer, here -- Siberians and Malamutes are NO more closely related to Wolves than any other breed, and certainly not "close cousins". If you want an explanation as to why they still "look like wolves", I can provide one. It does NOT involve being "interbred" with wolves.

If you have a Siberian or Malamute that snaps at children, your have a POORLY BRED and/or POORLY SOCIALIZED dog. These breeds do fine with children, other than occasionally knocking one over in their exuberance.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

personally I like the American Eskimo, the huskies can really be a hand full, they have a ton of energy, The American Eskimo is a wonderful dog, but I think the best thing to do is take your son to the library and pick up a few books on each of the breeds and maybe that will help you decide which one is best for you

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

Any reputable breeder will let you know if their variety of husky would be a suitable pet for your household and son. Here are some tips on finding the reputable breeders and weedign out the unethical ones: http://www.qualitydogs.com/choosingbreed...

Also be sure to visit the breeder a couple of times if you can, even if they don't have pups available right away.

Good luck!

ADDED: In response to additonal details, maybe you can consider a malamute from a different breeder? I have found them to be the most level headed and trustworthy of the nordic breeds. A samoyed might be a good choice as well. Siberians seem to be a bit more impulsive dogs, more likely to disobey, even if trained well, when something catches their fancy. Doesn't mean they aren't good dogs, buit I think these other two breeds might be a bit more "handle-able" for a young man.

I applaud you and your son for educating yourselves so well before purchasing a dog.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

Malamutes are the friendliest, tamest and quietest among the ones you are looking at. They are incredibly good with children, and are not barkers. They also don't have the "escape artist" quality that siberians do.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

Take a look at Samoyeds.

Fantastic with kids, with training they are less likely to run than Siberians, less yappy and nippy than Am. Eskimos.

They are highly trainable... however, they do best on an operant reward type system.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

If you're looking for a purebred dog, I don't suggest getting an Alaskan Husky. :) They're absolutely wonderful dogs, and most are very beautiful -- but the name 'Alaskan Husky' basically means any mixed breed dog with Siberian Husky mixed in.

As for which breed to look at over the others, I would suggest looking at Siberians. I've always fancied them over Malamutes. :) They're much less bulky, and (although it doesn't really matter) they come in a huge variety of color. When people talk about huskies, they are usually talking about Siberian Huskies. But of course, that's just my opinion. I've never owned any northern breeds -- I've only worked with them. So I can't really say which breed has the better temperament, etc -- all of the dogs I've worked with have been complete sweethearts.

Except... well, I've had some bad experiences with American Eskimos. xDD But all dogs are different. So I can't say that all American Eskimo's are fiesty.

Basically, I would just suggest looking around, and seeing which breed you connect more with. Get in touch with various breeders and ask if you can check out some of their adult dogs. Get to know each breed your interested in, and see which one you connect with the best.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

All wonderful dogs, but all must be on a lead or in a fenced area when outside bc they will just find the need to run and can get lost or hit by a car. Having said that our neighbor has a malamute and he runs with him without a lead and I've never heard him bark, he is an amazing and beautiful dog.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

All are going to be high activity dogs since they are bred to run. (Is your son a long distance runner? I hope.) Good thing you want "lots of activity."

I guess it may be down to how much dog food do you want to buy. Malamutes are lovely, but huge.

We've known a few huskies and I find the Alaskan the most beautiful. The female we knew was about 55 pounds. She was quite wild though and brought home road kill and was a menace to any wildlife and cats in the area. She stopped by every morning at about 7 a.m. to play with my Lab while her owner rode her bike next to her. She was very dominant and as her owner said, "she never started a fight but she would end it." She also hated sleeping inside no matter what the weather. I donated a sheepskin to her dog house and that's all she needed. She also shed in clumps and if you petted her in the spring soon the yard would look like it had puffs of snow.

I think living in upstate NY is kind. I've seen huskies in warmer weather climates and thought they looked horribly stressed in the heat.

Good luck.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

Okay, I have got a siberian husky and I am absolutely in love with siberian huskies. She just turned 14 this past December. Their life expectancy is 11-13 years old. She's the best dog I have ever had. She is very loyal. I read some comments on here saying they are too hyper. I've been around male Siberian Huskys and they tend to be more hyper than the females. I must inform you that I live in Missouri and we get snow and 100 degree weather and she does fine in both. We never left her outside in the heat though. She was an indoor/outdoor dog. Of course, I would say go for a siberian husky. I don't think you'd be disappointed in this decision whatsoever. Sonya, my husky, has always been very well with kids. She never had problems with potty training either. She was the easiest dog to train. She speaks, sits, shakes with both paws, sings to you and knows to get her leash. Granted, it took a lot to teach her some of the things. Sit, shake and speak were the easiest to train. The only thing that may be a problem is the hair which I've gotten over. I love her so I have to love the hair. If you're wanting an indoor dog, Siberian Huskys tend to be a little more petite than malamutes. Sonya has never exceeded 45 pounds. Good luck with your decision. Like I said, if you choose a husky you will not be disappointed.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

An American Eskimo sounds more like what you want- but most of those types of dogs are very hyper and need a lot of room to roam, and a good fence- they are escape artists. My husband and I were looking at getting one, but its too much too handle for us. Siberians also tend to 'hunt' a lot, so small animals and screaming kids can get them pretty excited and will pounce. From what I've gathered Malamute's are a little bit better for familys. Why do you want this type of dog? My husband wants one just because they are 'pretty' but you should get a dog for a different reason and what suits you.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

Alaskan Huskies are NOT a pure breed and have as many different traits as the breeder they come from. We breed Siberian Huskies(sled dogs) and also own several Alaskan Huskies, all of them are very sociable dogs. Great for an outdoors person. However they were bred to run, so we suggest never allowing your Sibe husky off leash, except in confined areas. They will run, not because they want to get away, but just because they CAN! Huskies do fine as inside/outside dogs if raised in that environment. Usually they are very good family dogs and are great with other dogs. However, watch them carefully around other small types of animals(cats, rabbits, ferrets,etc.) as they are highly prey driven. Huskies"tend" to be a little more Independent than other breeds, survival instincts I think. Trainability is different because they are more independent and seem to need to know why? They ARE A VERY INTELLIGENT Breed!!! We have found that training works best when they have been thoroughly exercised before the training sessions. Hope this helps.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

you should definatly go with a siberian huskie. i have a female red siberian huskie and she is sooo playfull. they love to run and play well with other dogs. i also have a white siberian huskie puppy who im trying to potty train. They are very smart dogs and very easy to train

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

i would say husky. i have one, and getting another today.

she's great. we keep her inside for the most part. and then we go run and only in fenced in areas she'll fun off leash. she's the reason im getting back into shape. she keeps me active. and i couldnt thank her enough! they are full of energy, but it'll keep you young!

also, she's great w/ kids. my fiance's godchild is three and she loves him they chase each other and wear each other out!

she's also great w/ other dogs. gets along very well. i can even lay next to her when she's chewing her bone and if i want to i can take it from her and she will not show one sign of meanness. i dont know if this has to do with the way she was raised, but she is sooo loving. probably the best dog i've ever had! and trains really well. only took like 30 mins for her to learn sit, shake, etc. she's great. she's my life!

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

"huskies" are not house dogs, keep in mind they were bred to be outside in severe cold- I'd keep looking for another breed, if you like the look check out dogs in the spitz family.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

everyone i know with any type of sled dogs (mixes included) always have trouble with the kids getting nipped. your very wise to go to a breeder. there's also the coats. they need alot of brushing. remember that huskies and malamutes are very close cousins to wolves.

My son has been looking at HUSKIES, with so many different types which should I look at?

There is no such thing as an Alaskan Husky.....only an Alaskan Malamute.

Huskies are a ton of work:

They have a ton of energy

They shed like you have never seen shedding before

They dig in the yard

They are loud

They destroy furniture, etc. when they are bored

They hate cats

Mine also had dominance issues (had to be the leader of the pack)

Please consider another breed....or rescue a mix from a shelter

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