Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

I would think that by now, she would have really really damaged hair OR her hair would have fallen out, because she always dyes her roots for the past 15 years at least. I saw pictures of her as a kid and she has naturally dark brown does she do it?

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

Being a millionaire helps.

When you have that kind of money, you can afford to have your hair well taken care of, including never having your roots show. Also, there are some really, really expensive processes which the guy who does my hair told me about, and he said you can be bleached like that and not have your hair fall out all the time.

Think about Marilyn Monroe. She was a natural brunette, too, but after she became a bombshell she was always a platinum blonde, and you never saw roots on her, either.

The last thing to keep in mind is that the really good, close photos of Gwen Stefani are usually taken on her own terms. By that I mean it's either a photo shoot, where she has a chance to prepare for how she wants to look, or it's some special function, where she again has the opportunity to plan her look. There are candids taken of her from time to time, but they aren't as common as with other stars. When she was pregnant, I didn't see very many candid photos of her--I bet if there's been a time when her roots showed since she became famous, it was sometime during that period.

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

Celebrity treatment and Dr. 90210 by her side.

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

She makes enough money to have a professional hair dresser in her house making sure no black shows!

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

She must have someone touch them up almost daily. I can't believe her hair hasn't all broken off or fallen out, either!

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

she probably has a good stylist who can color her hair and not damage it, as well as money to go to the stylist every few weeks or so.

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

the money probably helps

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

its a wig!

Why does Gwen Stefani NEVER have roots?

Its the $$$$$$$$$$

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